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Advice for flights

You are what you wear

Often what you wear on flights define how the flight is going to be. Go for comfort rather than style. These means don't wear new shoes not broken into yet, don't wear tight clothing that restricts movement and definitely do not wear high heels for the ladies.

I see people often wearing what can only be classified as sleepwear, though I do not recommend this as it makes you look immature, I do recommend wearing clothes that you would normally wear on the streets for your comfort. Tight clothes that restrict movement is not a good option as you will find a hard time being comfortable, especially in Economy Class where the seats are restrictive enough. New shoes are great, but if you haven't broken them in yet, best keep them for another time. You'll thank me later when your feet aren't bruised or peeling off from those new boots. Which brings me to my next point, ladies... High heels are not a good idea on board flights, not all flights depart at the gate, some need shuttle buses from the gate to the plane, high heels create unnecessary pain.


My advice is to always carry-on a small pack. This is to store in-flight entertainment, snacks, and drinks, and sleeping equipment such as a blanket, a pillow, and/or earplugs. I usually have a pack small enough to put under the seat in front of me that won't take up too much leg room, this is usually filled with a portable charger from my phone, books or magazines and a journal to vent about the crying baby or the rude guy kicking my seat. I find venting to a journal helps tensions found on flights and provide a healthy release of anger.

Penalty Time

Just to remind Nomads that you should set aside at least an extra half an hour before the boarding time of a flight to go through customs. With immigration being easier with E-Passports, the metal detectors seem to be lagging in the importance of travel efficiency. To make the metal detectors move swiftly: empty pockets and put phones and wallets in your bags, remove belts and jackets and if you are carrying a laptop, make it easily accessible and of course all liquids should be 100mL or less and put into a zip lock bag.

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