The Struggles of Setting up your blog
No one said it will be easy... It's 2am here in Jakarta, and I'm sitting in my room trying to find a way to generate followers to my blog. I'm currently at 0 Followers, and looking to make at least my first 2 Followers by the end of the week.
I'm currently setting up a Bloglovin' account, and watching YouTube videos of how to generate new Followers to my blog.
My parents commented at my dedication for my new platform, the whole day they were telling me to put my phone down or get off my laptop. I just really want this to work out... (Oh yeah... forgot to mention, I still live at Home)
Part of this blog is to generate revenue with my brand. I'm trying to get new items in the shops page as soon as I can... The profit I generate on this site is not purely for personal gain, I am looking to donate some of my income to charities (I know cliche). Some may think it's even a marketing ploy, but it's not. The reason I wanted to be a Doctor ever since I was a child was so I can help people. Be useful, give back to the community. And with that part of my life covered, I want to start venturing into Philanthropy. A life-long goal I've had was to eventually start my own Foundation, the Blue Ukelele project, the technicalities of the foundations still need to be worked out, but I want to help children, teens, and even adults who suffer from depression.
I'm currently studying for the Indonesian Medical Board exams. And if, scratch that, when I pass I will start a year of an Internship with a government hospital in Indonesia. After doing so, I'm looking to take a Masters Degree in International Relations, where I can focus my efforts in striving to work in NGOs and understanding how they work.
I know some may ask, "Why study more?" Well for me, I believe education is one of, if not, the most important thing we have to do in order to get to where we want to in life. As the saying goes, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll never grow hungry again."